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Research Projects


Technology from Japan + Skilled man power of India

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Research Projects in India coordinated by nichi-in

Nichi-In Bio Sciences (P) Ltd (Formerly Nichi-In Drugs & Devices (P) Ltd), has been appointed as the official, sole agency and representatives of Mebiol Inc., Japan, for the following purposes:


1. Coordinating research works,

2. Finding partners for technical collaborations,

3. Organizing academic workshops, meetings,

4. Executing, planning and coordinating joint ventures,

5. Promoting, marketing and selling the products of Mebiol Inc.

Nichi-In, with it's major concern of bringing together, the Bio-medical technology in Japan and the skilled man power in the Bio-medical area in India has been coordinating between Mebiol Inc and various Indian institutes of excellence in R & D since 2001

Research Projects Since 2001

Corneal limbal stem cells in synthetic substrate with Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai
Developing environmental friendly plastics & water conservation with Vivekananda college, Chennai
Cell therapeutics for liver failure with Owaisi hospital, Hyderabad.

Since Sep-2005, a new organization for Research, training & clinical application protocol development in Cell therapeutics with emphasis on Stem cells " Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM)" has been started and it takes care of the entire research & development in Cell therapeutics as well as bringing to clinical application, the developments in laboratory researches on cell therapeutics.

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