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Technology Transfer Projects


in Regenerative Medince. For further info contact nbs@nichimail.jp

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An outline of Technology Transfer Projects

MoU with Dai Nippon Ink & Chemicals, Japan.

Nichi-In provides Technology Transfer based turn-key project commissioning/establishmet of infra structure for cell processing labs, on cell based therapies, tissue engineering with polymer and nanomaterial scaffolds, through the R&D Unit M/s Nichin In centre for regenerative medicine (NCRM)

Representation of Mebiol Inc, Japan

Nichi-In Bio Sciences (P) Ltd ( formerly Nichi-In Drugs & Devices (P) Ltd,) will be the sole agency and representatives of Mebiol Inc., Japan, for the following purposes:

1. Coordinating research works,
2. Finding partners for technical collaborations,
3. Organizing academic workshops, meetings,
4. Executing, planning and coordinating joint ventures,
5. Promoting, marketing and selling the products of Mebiol Inc.

Based on the arrangement, we have started research programme with institutes in India using the Mebiol Gel which is capable of Three-dimensional culture and a very useful tool in Stem Cell research.

Recently Nichi-In Bio Sciences (P) Ltd ( formerly Nichi-In Drugs & Devices (P) Ltd) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with M/S Dai-Nippon Inc Ltd, Japan for the technology transfer to manufacture certain high value cardiovascular? products in India. The preliminary studies are underway. Followed by the study, the products will be manufactured in India by companies in India, which will yield high-tech and flawless products at an affordable cost, reasonably competitive in the Indian and overseas market. Our aim is to bring together the Cutting edge technology from Japanese institutes in Health care and allied field and Technically skilled, qualified and English speaking? manpower in India to manufacture products which will be of Japanese standard but with an affordable price tag.?

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